Unit 1 - Lesson 4

4.1.1. Understanding Expressions

number1 = 20.50
number2 = 38.25
# Print the multiplication of number1 and number2 using * operator.
print(number1 * number2)
string1 = "Amazon"
string2 = "River"
# Print the concatenated value of string1 and string2 using + operator.
print(string1 + string2)

4.1.2. Understanding Statements - Print statements

(a) In Python, Statements are executed by Interpreter.
(c) The association of a value to a variable is called as Binding.
(e) a = b + a * b is a valid statement in Python.

4.1.3. Types of Assignment Statements

message = "Welcome to Python"
# print message
number = int(input())
# add 5 to the number
number = number + 5
# print number

4.1.4. Augmented Assignment Statement

(b) We can perform assignment with '=' operator.
(c) a -= b and a = a-b are gives same result.

4.2.1. What is an Indentation

if 100.0 > 10.0:
	print("Small Value:", 10.0)	
	print("Large Value:", 100.0)

4.2.2. A simple program in Python

print("Hello Python")

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