Unit 1 - Lesson 8

8.1.1. Reading input in Python - strings

place = input("Enter your favourite place: ")#take your favourite place using input statement

# Print your favourite place
print("My favourite place is:",place)

8.1.2. Understanding Output in Python.

lang = input("Enter Language: ")
print("My Favourite Language is", lang)

8.1.3. % - formatting and str.format() function

# Take an integer input from the user and store it in variable "a"
a = int(input("a: "))
# Take an integer input from the user and store it in variable "b"
b = int(input("b: "))
# print "a" value at 0 index and "b" value at 1 index
# print by changing the index postions of "a" and "b" and observe the output
print("The value of a = %d, b = %d " %(a,b))
print("The value of a = %d, b = %d " %(b,a))

8.1.4. % - formatting and str.format() function

# take float number from the user
a= float(input("a: "))
# print up to 2 decimal points
# print up to 6 decimal points
# take int number from the user
b= int(input("Enter b value: "))
# print the number with one space
# print the number with two spaces
# print the number with three spaces
# print the given number b in octal form
print(f"octal: {oct(b)[2:]}")
# print the given input b in hexadecimal form
print(f"hex:", hex(b).upper()[2:])

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