Unit 1 - Lesson 9

9.1.1. Arithmetic Operators - An overview

(a) Python supports 7 arithmetic operators.
(b) An exponent operator is represented by ** in Python.
(e) // is called as Floor division operator.

9.1.2. Using Arithmetic Operators

#Arithmetic Operators are +, -, *, /, **, %, //
num1 = int(input("num1: "))
num2 = int(input("num2: "))

# print num1+num2
print(num1, "+", num2,"=", num1+num2)
# print num1-num2
print(num1, "-", num2,"=", num1-num2)
# print num1*num2
print(num1, "*", num2,"=", num1*num2)
# print num1/num2
print(num1, "/", num2,"=", num1/num2)
# print num1**num2
print(num1, "**", num2,"=", num1**num2)
# print num1%num2
print(num1, "%", num2,"=", num1%num2)
# print num1//num2
print(num1, "//", num2,"=", num1//num2)

9.1.3. Writing a program on arithmetic operators

num1 = int(input ("num1: "))
num2 = int(input ("num2: "))

# Print the addition of num1 and num2
print("Addition of", num1, "and", num2, "=", num1+num2)
# Print the subtraction of num1 and num2
print("Subtraction of", num1, "and", num2, "=", num1-num2)
# Print the multiplication of num1 and num2
print("Multiplication of", num1, "and", num2, "=", num1*num2)
# Print the division of num1 and num2
print("Division of", num1, "and", num2, "=", num1/num2)

9.1.4. Some more arithmetic operators

num1 = int(input("num1: "))
num2 = int(input("num2: "))

# Print the exponenet of num1 to the power of num2
print("Exponent of", num1, "with", num2, "=", num1**num2)
# Print the modulous function of num1 and num2
print("Modulus of", num1, "and", num2, "=", num1%num2)
# Print the floor division function of num1 and num2
print("Floor Division of", num1, "and", num2,"=", num1//num2)

9.1.5. Writing a program on some more arithmetic operators

num1 = int(input("num1: "))
num2 = int(input("num2: "))
print("Exponent of", num1, "with", num2,"=", num1**num2)
print("Modulus of", num1, "and", num2, "=", num1%num2)
print("Floor Division of", num1, "and", num2, "=", num1//num2)

9.1.6. Explanation of divmod function

#Program to illustrate divmod() function
# Input num1 with message "Enter number-1: "
num1= int(input("num1: "))
# Input num2 with message "Enter number-2: "
num2= int(input("num2: "))
# use divmod() and store results in 2 variables x, and y
print((num1), '//', (num2), '=', (num1//num2)) # replace variables in () and print the results
print((num1), '%', (num2), '=', (num1%num2))

9.2.1. Comparison Operators - An overview

num1 = int(input("num1: "))
num2 = int(input("num2: "))

# Print Is num1 greater than num2.
print("Is", num1, "greater than", num2, "=", num1>num2)
# Print Is num1 less than num2.
print("Is", num1, "less than", num2, "=", num1<num2)
# Print Is num1 equal to num2.
print("Is", num1, "equal to", num2, "=", num1==num2)
# Print Is num1 not equal to num2.
print("Is", num1, "not equal to", num2, "=", num1!=num2)
# Print Is num1 less than or equal to num2.
print("Is", num1, "less than or equal to", num2, "=", num1<=num2)
# Print Is num1 greater than or equal to num2.
print("Is", num1, "greater than or equal to", num2, "=", num1>=num2)

9.2.2. Using Comparison operators

# Comparision Operators >, <, ==, !=, >=, <= on numbers
num1= int(input("num1: "))
num2= int(input("num2: "))
print("Is", num1, "greater than", num2, "=", num1>num2)
print("Is", num1, "less than", num2, "=", num1<num2)
print("Is", num1, "equal to", num2, "=", num1==num2)
print("Is", num1, "not equal to", num2, "=", num1!=num2)
print("Is", num1, "greater than or equal to", num2, "=", num1>=num2)
print("Is", num1, "less than or equal to", num2, "=", num1<=num2)

9.2.3. Comparison operators with strings

a= input("str1: ")
b= input("str2: ")
print("Is", a, "greater than", b, "=", a>b)
print("Is", a, "less than", b,"=", a<b)
print("Is", a, "equal to", b, "=", a==b)
print("Is", a, "not equal to", b, "=", a!=b)
print("Is", a, "greater than or equal to", b, "=", a>=b)
print("Is", a, "less than or equal to", b, "=", a<=b)

9.2.4. Writing Comparison Operators on Strings

str1 = input("str1: ")
str2 = input("str2: ")
# Print Is str1 greater than str2
print("Is", str1,"greater than", str2, "=", str1>str2)
# Print Is str1 less than str2
print("Is", str1, "less than", str2, "=", str1<str2)
# Print Is str1 is equal to str2
print("Is", str1, "equal to", str2, "=", str1==str2)
# Print Is str1 not equal to str2
print("Is", str1, "not equal to", str2, "=", str1!=str2)
# Print Is str1 greater than or equal to str2
print("Is", str1, "greater than or equal to", str2, "=", str1>=str2)
# Print Is str1 less than or equal to str2
print("Is", str1, "less than or equal to", str2, "=", str1<=str2)

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