16.1.1. Understanding if-else construct
distinction_marks = 75
marks = float(input("marks: "))
# write your code here
if (marks > distinction_marks):
print("not distinction")
16.1.2. Problem Solving question
a = int(input("amount: "))
if a >= 1000:
print("He can")
print("He cant")
16.1.3. Write a program for Income Tax Calculator
# Deduction standard
Ded_std = 150000
# Request Inputs
Ded_80c = int(input("deduction under 80c: "))
Ded_80cc = int(input("deduction under 80cc: "))
Ded_hra = int(input("deduction under HRA: "))
Ded_med = int(input("deduction under Medical: "))
Ded_tot = (Ded_std + Ded_80c + Ded_80cc + Ded_hra + Ded_med)
Gross_Income = int(input("gross income: "))
Tax_Income = Gross_Income - Ded_tot
# complete the missing code required for the if block
if (Gross_Income <= 500000):
Income_Tax = (Tax_Income * 0.1)
elif(Gross_Income <= 1000000 and Gross_Income > 500000):
Income_Tax = 25000 + ((Gross_Income - 500000) * 20) / 100
elif(Gross_Income > 1000000):
Income_Tax = 75000 + ((Gross_Income - 1000000)*0.3)
if(Income_Tax > 0):
print("gross income:", Gross_Income)
print("total deductions:" , Ded_tot)
print("income tax:" , Income_Tax)
else :
print ("hurray..no income tax")