Unit 4 - Lesson 2

35.1.1. Functions of String Data Type

(a)In Python, we can convert strings of Uppercase letters into lower case and lower case to upper case using swapcase() method.
(d)print('abcpyxyzpython', 3, 10) - Outputs: abcpyxyzpython 3 10.

35.1.2. Methods Of Strings - count(), replace(), join()

str1 = input("str: ")
# Convert the string to uppercase
st = str1.upper()
# Convert the string to title case
st1 = str1.title()

# Split the string into a list of words
st2 = str1.split(' ')

width = int(input("width: "))
fill_char = input("fillchar: ")
# Center align the string with given width and fill character
# Convert the string to lowercase
str2 = input("Enter a joining character: ")
# Join the characters of the string with the given character
a = str2.join(str1)
replace_old = input("old substring: ")
replace_new = input("new substring: ")
# Replace occurrences of old substring with new substring
strr = str1.replace(replace_old,replace_new)

35.1.3. Methods Of Strings - isupper(), islower(), isalpha(), isalnum()

(b)print("Hello123".isalpha()) returns False.
(c)str = '123', the below code is correct to convert string into int. print(int(str)) # 123.
(d)str = "hello world", print(str.isalnum()) returns False.

35.1.4. Methods of Strings - isdigit(), isspace(), istitle()

str = input("str: ")
# Complete below condition and check whether string contains only digits or not.
if str.isdigit() == True:
	print("str contains only digits")
	print("str does not contains only digits")

# Complete below condition and check whether string contains only spaces or not.
if str.isspace() == True:
	print("str contains only space")
	print("str does not contains only space")

# Complete below condition and check if the string is in title case or not.
if str.istitle() == True:
	print("str is in title case")
	print("str is not in title case")

35.1.5. Escape Sequences in Strings

(d)print("This is a string with a double quote character.")

35.1.6. Escape Sequences

(c)Escape sequences can be printed as they are, without being interpreted as special characters, by using the repr() function or the r / R prefix.

35.1.7. Methods of Strings - startswith(), endswith(), find(), len(), min(), max()

str = input("str: ")
start_substring = input("start_substring: ")
end_substring = input("end_substring: ")
search_substring = input("search_substring: ")

print(str.startswith(start_substring)) # Check if the string starts with the given starting substring
print(str.endswith(end_substring)) # Check if the string ends with the given ending substring
print(str.find(search_substring)) # Find and display the index of the search substring
print(len(str)) # Display length of the main string
print(min(str)) # Display the minimum character in main string
print(max(str)) # Display the maximum character in main string

35.1.8. Program to enclose the longer string with-in the shorter string and display the result.

str1 = input("str1: ")
str2 = input("str2: ")

# Calculate the lengths of the input strings
l1 = len(str1)
l2 = len(str2)

# Print strings are equal if the both lengths are equal
if l1 == l2:
	print("strings are same length")
# If the length of str1 is shorter than the length of str2, print the concatenation
elif l1<l2:
# If the length of str1 is longer than the length of str2, print the concatenation

35.1.9. Write a program to find whether a given string starts with 'Python' or not.

# Note: Python and python are different.

str = input("str: ")
# write yur code here
if str.startswith("Python"):
	print("str is:", str)
	print("str after adding \'Python\': Python", str)

35.1.10. More String methods

# Take a string input form the user
s = input("str: ")
# Reverse the string using slicing operator

35.1.11. Write a program to remove all digit in given string.

# import string module
import string
str = input("str: ")  
result = ""  # Initializing an empty string to store the result
# Iterate through each character in string (str), and if the character is not a digit, add it to the result.
for i in str:
	if i.isnumeric() == False:
		result = result+i

# Print the result after removing all digits
print("String after removing all digits:", result)

35.1.12. Write a program to find number of times a particular sub string appears in a given string.

str1 = input("str1: ")
str2 = input("str2: ")

print("count:",str1.count(str2)) # print the count count of str2 occured in str1

35.1.13. Write a program to print every character of a string twice.

str = input("str: ")
# write your code here to print the every character in the given string twice
d=''.join([i+i for i in str])
print("result: ",d)

35.1.14. Write a program to print half of a given string.

str = input("str: ")
l= len(str)
# write your code here
if l%2==0:
	print("first half str of even length:",str[0:int(l/2)])
	print("second half str of odd length:",str[int(l/2)+1:])

35.1.15. Write a Program to print a character and skip the next character, follow this till the end of string.

str = input("str: ")

# Initializing empty strings for alternate characters
fstr = ""
sstr = ""

# Check if the input string is empty

if str=='':
# Check if the input string has only one character

elif len(str)==1:
# Extract alternate characters into the first and second strings
# Displaying the first and second strings
print("first:", fstr)
print("second:", sstr)

# Combine the alternate characters to recreate the original string


# Add any remaining characters from the longer string

# Displaying the original reconstructed string
print("original:", original)

35.1.16. Write a program to print each character of a string in incremental order.

str = input("str: ")
for i in range(0,len(str)):
	inc = inc+str[0:i+1]
print("incremental order:",inc )

35.1.17. Write a program to remove hyphens from a given string.

# Write your code here
str = input("str with hyphens: ")
for i in str.split('-'):

35.1.18. Program to print ASCII values of the characters within the given range..

start_char = input("start character: ")
end_char = input("end character: ")
if len(start_char)>1:
	print("Please enter single characters.")
	a = ord(start_char)
	b = ord(end_char)
	print("Character\t ASCII Code")
	# write your code here
	for i in range(a,b+1):
		print(f"{chr(i)} \t\t {i}")

35.1.19. Write a program to find how many times each character is repeated in a given string.

from collections import Counter
# Get the Input string
k = input("str: ")
# Sort the string
k = sorted(k)
# Take empty List
l = []
for i in k:


35.1.20. Write a program to find how many times a single digit is repeated in a given number.

from collections import Counter
k = input("str: ")
for i in k:
	print(f"{str(i)} \t {k[i]}")

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