36.1.1. Introduction to Lists
(c)Lists are ordered and can contain other lists as elements.
36.1.2. Understanding Creation of List
data = input("data: ")
# print type of input data here
print("type of data:",type(data))
list1 = data.split() # split() is used to convert a string into list
# print list1
# print type of list1
print("type of list:",type(list1))
36.1.3. Write a Program to create a List
data=input("data: ")
l= data.split(',')
print("type of list:",type(l))
36.1.4. Different Types of Lists
list1 = ["Python", 100, "Lists", 8.8,'A', "Program"]
# print the list1 items
print("List1 contains:",list1)
# print the type of list1
print("Type of list1:",type(list1))