Unit 4 - Lesson 10

43.1.1. Understanding dictionary functions

data1 = input("data1: ")
data2 = input("data2: ")
list1 = data1.split(",")
list2 = data2.split(",")
#create a dictionary using the lists
dict1 = dict(zip(list1,list2))
#perform all(), any(), len() and sorted() on the created dict
print("key,value of dictionary: ")
for key,value in sorted(dict1.items()):

43.1.2. Write a program to change dictionary keys into values and values into keys

data1 = input("data1: ")
data2 = input("data2: ")
list1 = data1.split(",")
list2 = data2.split(",")
#create a dictionary using the lists
dict1 = dict(zip(list1,list2))
#write your logic here
print("before exchange:", sorted(dict1.items()))
dict2 = dict(zip(list2,list1))
print("after exchange:", sorted(dict2.items()))

43.1.3. Write a program to take tuple and list to create dictionary

troupe = {('Cleese', 'John') : [1, 2, 3],
			('Chapman', 'Graham') : [4, 5, 6],
			('Idle', 'Eric') : [7, 8, 9],
			('Jones', 'Terry') : [10, 11, 12],
			('Gilliam', 'Terry') : [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18],
			('Palin', 'Michael') : [19, 20]}

#write your code here
for i,j in sorted(troupe.items()):
	a = (list(i))

43.1.4. Write a program to print a dictionary which has addition of two dictionary values which has same Key in both dictionaries.

data1 = input("Enter integer elements separated by ,(comma) for keys of dict1: ")
data2 = input("Enter integer elements separated by ,(comma) for values of dict1: ")
list1 = data1.split(",")
list2 = data2.split(",")
for i in range(len(list1)):
	list1[i] = int(list1[i])
for i in range(len(list2)):
	list2[i] = int(list2[i])
dict1 = dict(zip(list1, list2))

data3 = input("Enter integer elements separated by ,(comma) for keys of dict2: ")
data4 = input("Enter integer elements separated by ,(comma) for values of dict2: ")
list3 = data3.split(",")
list4 = data4.split(",")
for i in range(len(list3)):
	list3[i] = int(list3[i])
for i in range(len(list4)):
	list4[i] = int(list4[i])
dict2 = dict(zip(list3, list4))

dict3 = {}
#Write your code here to complete your solution
for i in dict1.keys():
	if i in dict2.keys():
		dict3[i] = dict1[i]+dict2[i]
for i in dict2.keys():
	if i not in dict3.keys():

43.1.5. Write a program to print a dictionary, from a given sequence as key and value

#write your code here
a = input("seq: ").split(",")
b = {}
c = list(set(a.copy()))
for i in c:
	t = a.count(i)
print('sorted dictionary:', list(sorted(b.items())))

43.1.6. Write a program to check the existence of key

#write your code here
a = input("data1: ").split(',')
b = input("data2: ").split(',')
t1 = dict(zip(a,b))
c = input("data3: ").split(',')
d = input("data4: ").split(',')
t2 = dict(zip(c,d))
key = input("key: ")
if key in t1.keys() and key not in t2.keys():
	print("present in first")
elif key in t2.keys() and key not in t1.keys():
	print("present in second")
elif key in t1.keys() and key in t2.keys():
	print("present in both")
	print("key is not present")

43.1.7. Write a program to print a dictionary with key order and value order

a = input("data1: ")
b = input("data2: ")
a = a.split(',')
b = b.split(',')
#create a dictionary with the lists
d = dict(sorted(zip(a,b)))
d2 = dict(sorted(zip(b,a)))

print("dictionary with key order")
#write your logic to print in key value order
for i,j in d.items():

print("dictionary with value order")
#write your logic to print in value key order
for i,j in d2.items():

43.1.8. Write a Program to Concatenate Two Dictionaries

#write your code here
d1 = list(map(int,input("data1: ").split(",")))
d2 = list(map(int,input("data2: ").split(",")))
d3 = list(map(int,input("data3: ").split(",")))
d4 = list(map(int,input("data4: ").split(",")))
a = dict(zip(d1,d2))
b = dict(zip(d3,d4))
for i in b.keys():
	if i in a.keys():

43.1.9. Write a Program to Create a Dictionary of Common Keys in two given Dictionaries

#write your code here
d1 = list(map(int,input("data1: ").split(",")))
d2 = list(map(int,input("data2: ").split(",")))
d3 = list(map(int,input("data3: ").split(",")))
d4 = list(map(int,input("data4: ").split(",")))
a = dict(zip(d1,d2))
b = dict(zip(d3,d4))
c = {}
for i in a.keys():
	if i in b.keys():
print("common keys:",list(sorted(c.items())))

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