Unit 5 - Lesson 6

55.1.1. Method overriding - an overview

(a) Method overloading is a feature that allows methods with multiple parameters.
(b) Method overriding is a feature where we modify a behaviour of a method in the derived class that is already present in the base class.
(c) This overriding feature happens only when we have a base class and derived class.

55.1.2. Writing a simple overriding example

class Car:
	def setbrandname(self, brandname):
		# Write your code 
		self.brandname= brandname
	def getbrandname(self):
		# Write your code here
	def setmodel(self, model):
		# Write your code here
		self.model = model
	def getmodel(self):
		# Write your code here
class Accord(Car):
	def setbrandname(self, brandname):
		# Write your code here
		self.brandname = brandname
	def getbrandname(self):
		# Write your code here
blueaccord = Accord() #instance of Accord
# set the brand and model name by taking the input from the user
blueaccord.setbrandname(input("brand: "))
blueaccord.setmodel(input("model: "))
#print the brand and model name using the get methods

55.1.3. Understanding Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance and Method Overriding

#create an Animal class
class Animal:
	#define a method speak
	def speak(self):
		print("Animal makes a sound")

#create a Bird class that inherits Animal class
class Bird(Animal):
	#define a method speak
	def speak(self):
		print("Bird sings")

#create a Mammal class that inherits Animal class
class Mammal(Bird):
	#define a method speak
	def speak(self):
		print("Mammal roars")

choice = input("Enter 'bird' to create a Bird or 'mammal' to create a Mammal: ")

#write your logic here
if choice == "bird":
	s = Bird()
elif choice == "mammal":
	s = Mammal()
	print("Invalid choice")

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