Week1 - Data Modeling, Entity Relationship Model / Assess

The questions can come in any order, so make sure you are selecting right option for all questions.

1. Label the missing entities from the ER diagram of Banking system.

(Q0) Entity 1
(a) Customer
(Q1) Entity 2
(a) Employee
(Q2) Entity 3
(a) Branch
(Q3) Entity 4
(a) Loan
(Q4) Entity 5
(a) Account
(Q5) Entity 6
(a) Payment

2. Label the missing attributes of the given entities in ER diagram of college management system.

(Q0) Attribute 1 for entity Student
(d) FirstName
(Q1) Attribute 2 for entity Student
(d) Address
(Q2) Attribute 1 for entity Admission
(d) Date_of_enrolment
(Q3) Attribute 2 for entity Admission
(d) CourseName
(Q4) Attribute for entity timetable
(d) Date
(Q5) Attribute for entity Lecturer
(d) First Name
(Q6) Attribute for entity Subjects
(d) SubjectCode

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