MTH-401 CA1 Previous Year & Sample Questions

Q1:- Explain the converse and contrapositive of conditional statement p → q. Construct a truth table for (p ∨ q) ⇔ {[(¬p) ∧ r] → (q ∧ r)}. Q2:- Expl

Previous Year Questions

Sample Questions (From Textbook)

Q1:- Use truth tables to verify these equivalences.

(a) pTp

(b) pFp

(c) pFF

(d) pTT

(e) ppp

(f) p ∧ pp

Q2:- Show that ¬(¬p) and p are logically equivalent.

Q3:- Use truth tables to verify the commutative laws

(a) pqqp.

(b) p ∧ qqp.

Q4:- Use truth tables to verify the associative laws

(a) (pq) ∨ rp ∨ (qr).

Q5:- Use De Morgan's laws to find the negation of each of the following statements.

(a) Kwame will take a job in industry or go to graduate school.

(b) Yoshiko knows Java and calculus.

(c) James is young and strong.

(d) Rita will move to Oregon or Washington. 

Q6:- Show that each of these conditional statements is a tautology by using truth tables.

(a) (pq) → p

(b) p → (pq)

(c) ¬p → (pq)

(d) (pq) → (pq)

(e) ¬(pq) → p

(f) ¬(pq) → ¬q

Q7:- Show that each of these conditional statements is a tautology by using truth tables.

(a) [¬p ∧ (pq)] → q

(b) [(pq) ∧ (qr)] → (pr)

(c) [p ∧ (pq)] → q

(d) [(pq) ∧ (pr) ∧ (qr)] → r

Q8:- Show that each of these conditional statements is a tautology without using truth tables.

(a) (p ∧ q) → p

(b) p → (p ∧ q)

(c) ¬p → (p → q)

(d) (p ∧ q) → (p → q)

(e) ¬(p → q) → p

(f) ¬(p → q) → ¬q

Q9:- Show that each of these conditional statements is a tautology without using truth tables.

(a) [¬p ∧ (p ∧ q)] → q

(b) [(p → q) ∧ (q → r)] → (p → r)

(c) [p ∧ (p → q)] → q

(d) [(p ∧ q) ∧ (p → r) ∧ (q → r)] → r

Q10:- Show that p | q is logically equivalent to ¬(pq).

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