Week5 - Introduction to Relational databases, Relational Algebra and Keys / Design

The questions can come in any order, so make sure you are selecting right option for all questions.

1. Write a query to perform the below Selection Operation.

Note: Order the result by employee id

σage≥ 25(employee)
select * from employee where age >=25 order by id
2. Write a query to perform the below Projection Operation. Note: Order the result by employee name

select ename,salary from employee order by ename
3. Write a query to perform the below Union Operation.

Ï€id(employee) ∪ Ï€employeeid(leavedetails)
select id from employee
select employee_id from leave_details
4. Write a query to perform the below Intersection Operation.

Ï€id(employee) ∩ Ï€employeeid(leavedetails)
select id from employee
select employee_id from leave_details
5. Write a query to perform the below Cartesian Product Operation.

Note: Order the result by employee id

employee χ department
select * from employee
cross join department
order by employee.id
6. Write a query to perform the below Join Operation.

Note: Select all columns of employee, works and department table. Order the result by employee id.

employee ⋈ works ⋈ department
select * from employee e
join works w on e.id=w.employee_id
join department d on d.id = w.department_id
order by e.id
7. Write a query to perform the below Difference Operation. 

employee – leave_details
select id from employee
select employee_id from leave_details
8. Write a query to perform the below Aggregation Operation. 

\sum _{avg(salary)}(employee)
select avg(salary) as average_salary from employee

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