Week6 - Multi-valued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form / Analyse

The questions can come in any order, so make sure you are selecting right option for all questions.

1. For the relation
with functional dependency
SSN,cName → date,
what real-world constraint is captured by
SSN ↠ cName,date?

(c) A student must apply to the same set of majors at all colleges

2. Here above is an instance of a relation R(A,B,C)
Which of the following multivalued dependencies does this instance of R not satisfy?

(b) A->>B

3. Here is an instance of a relation R(A,B,C,D):
Which of the following multivalued dependencies does this instance of R satisfy?

(d) AB->>C

4. Consider a relation R(A,B,C) with multivalued dependency A ↠ B.
Suppose there at least 3 different values for A, and each value of A is associated with at least 4 different B values and at least 5 different C values. What is the minimum number of tuples in R?

(a) 60

5. Consider relation StudentInfo(sID, name, dorm, major) with functional dependency sID → name and multivalued dependency sID ↠ dorm. What schema would be produced by the 4NF decomposition algorithm?

(d) S1(sID,name), S2(sID,dorm), S3(sID,major)

6. Consider relation R(A,B,C,D,E) with multivalued dependencies:

A ↠ B, B ↠ D

Suppose R contains the tuples (0,1,2,3,4) and (0,5,6,7,8). Which of the following tuples must also be in R?

(c) (0,5,6,3,8)

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