Week6 - Need of Normalization and First, Second, Third Normal Forms / Assess

The questions can come in any order, so make sure you are selecting right option for all questions.

1. Consider a table with the attributes Product_ID, Product_Name, and Product_Details. The Product_Details attribute contains a nested structure with information such as size, color, and weight. Explain how this table violates the First Normal Form (1NF), and propose a solution to bring it into compliance.

(b) The table violates 1NF because the Product_Details attribute contains nested structures. To bring it into compliance, you can create a separate table for Product_Details.

2. In a database table representing a library catalog, there are attributes for Book_ID, Author_Name, and Publisher_Details. The Publisher_Details attribute includes information about the publisher, such as name and address. Explain how this table violates the Third Normal Form (3NF), and suggest a strategy to address the issue.

(b) The table violates 3NF because Publisher_Details is transitively dependent on Author_Name. To bring it into compliance, you can create separate tables for Author_Name and Publisher_Details.

3. In a database table representing online orders, there are attributes for Order_ID, Customer_Name, and Customer_Address. The Customer_Address attribute includes the customer's city, state, and ZIP code. Explain how this table violates the Third Normal Form(3NF), and propose a strategy to bring it into compliance.

(b) The table violates 3NF because Customer_Address is transitively dependent on Customer_Name. To bring it into compliance, you can create separate tables for Customer_Name, City, State, and ZIP code.

4. Consider a table with the following attributes: Employee_ID, Employee_Name, and Skills. The Skills attribute contains a list of skills separated by commas (e.g., "Java, SQL, Python"). Explain how this table violates the First Normal Form (1NF), and propose a solution to bring it into compliance.

(b) The table violates 1NF because the Skills attribute contains multiple values. To bring it into compliance, you can create a separate table for Skills.

5. In a database table, there is an attribute named "Addresses," which stores a collection of addresses for each customer in a single field (e.g., "123 Main St, City1; 456 Oak Ave, City2"). Discuss how this scenario violates the First Normal Form (1NF) and suggest a strategy to rectify the issue.

(b) The table violates 1NF because the Addresses attribute contains multiple values. To bring it into compliance, you can create a separate table for Addresses.

6. Consider a database table with the attributes Employee_ID, Project_Name, and Supervisor_Name. The Supervisor_Name attribute contains information about the supervisor assigned to a project. Discuss how this table violates the Third Normal Form (3NF) and propose a solution to bring it into compliance.

(b) The table violates 3NF because Supervisor_Name is dependent on Project_Name, a non-prime attribute. To bring it into compliance, you can create separate tables for Project_Name and Supervisor_Name.

7. In a table representing orders, there is an attribute named "Products" that contains a list of product names associated with each order (e.g., "Product1, Product2, Product3"). Explain how this table violates the First Normal Form (1NF), and propose a solution to bring it into compliance.

(b) The table violates 1NF because the Products attribute contains multiple values. To bring it into compliance, you can create a separate table for Products.

8. In a database, there is a table storing information about university courses. The table includes an attribute named "Days," which lists the days of the week a course is offered (e.g., "Monday, Wednesday, Friday"). Discuss how this scenario violates the First Normal Form (1NF) and suggest a strategy to address this issue.

(b) The table violates 1NF because the Days attribute contains multiple values. To bring it into compliance, you can create a separate table for Days.

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