The questions can come in any order, so make sure you are selecting right option for all questions.
Create a procedure named 'select_booking' that is used to display the details of the booking of a particular customer.
This procedure takes cus_id as input and returns the booked_date,delivery_date,Car_Model_model_code of the booking under given cus_id. Display the details in ascending order by Car_Model_model_code. The booking details should be returned as 'sys_refcursor'.
The details must include the following:
Procedure name: select_booking
Input parameter : cus_id
Output parameter: booking_details with data type as SYS_REFCURSOR.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE select_booking( cus_id IN NUMBER, booking_details OUT SYS_REFCURSOR ) IS BEGIN OPEN booking_details FOR SELECT booked_date, delivery_date, Car_Model_model_code FROM Booking b WHERE customer_id = cus_id ORDER BY Car_Model_model_code ASC; END select_booking; /