INT220 Syllabus INT220: SERVER SIDE SCRIPTING L:2 T:0 P:2 Credits:3 Course Outcomes: CO1 :: employ web development concepts including …
INT219 Syllabus INT219: FRONT END WEB DEVELOPER L:2 T:0 P:2 Credits:3 Course Outcomes: CO1 :: apply basic HTML elements, CSS propertie…
PEA305 Syllabus PEA305: ANALYTICAL SKILLS-I L:2 T:1 P:0 Credits:3 Course Outcomes: CO1 :: apply the procedural fluency with number sys…
CSE325 Syllabus CSE325: OPERATING SYSTEMS LABORATORY L:0 T:0 P:2 Credits:1 Course Outcomes: Through this course students should be able to …
CSE316 Syllabus CSE316: OPERATING SYSTEMS L:3 T:0 P:0 Credits:3 Course Outcomes: CO1 :: recall OS structure, functions, evolution, and…
MTH302 Syllabus MTH302: PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS L:3 T:1 P:0 Credits:4 Course Outcomes: CO1 :: recall the concept of random variable…
INT428 Syllabus INT428: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ESSENTIALS L:3 T:0 P:1 Credits:4 Course Outcomes: CO1 :: describe basic knowledge repr…
CSE408 Syllabus CSE408: DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS L:3 T:0 P:0 Credits:3 Course Outcomes: CO1 :: explain the basic techniques o…
CSE310 Syllabus CSE310: PROGRAMMING IN JAVA L:3 T:0 P:2 Credits:4 Course Outcomes: CO1 :: explain basic constructs of Java programming…
Final Exam - Computer Architecture Question 1 Please check all answers that apply to Branch Target Buffer (BTB). The BTB is indexed by the current PC. The BTB allows the fetch sta…