Unit IV - HTML

Unit IV - Lesson 5

4.5.1. Introduction to flex (c) main axis 4.5.2. flex-direction /* Write your code below */ .flex-item-1{ background-color: red; } .…

Unit IV - Lesson 4

4.4.1. display <!doctype html> <html> <!-- Write your code below --> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" hr…

Unit IV - Lesson 3

4.3.1. Introduction to HTML Form Element (b) Collect and send data 4.3.2. Select the correct answer (b) It indicates how data should …

Unit IV - Lesson 2

4.2.1. table, thead, tr, th <!doctype html> <html> <body> <table border="1"> <!-- Write your code…

Unit IV - Lesson 1

4.1.1. Introduction to box model (d) margin, border, padding, content 4.1.2. Content <!doctype html> <html> <head>…